

        V-USB              Software-only implementation of a low-speed USB device for AVR.             Implementers Forum, Inc. The USB specification.
        Thesycon        Making a generic CDC driver on Windows (commercial product).


AVR-CDC was made with many engineer's cooperation.
The basic idea of the low-speed CDC was inspired by Kyosuke Ishikawa's experiment in 2005. With Christian Starkjohann's great help, several modifications were made on his V-USB stack. (He has used this CDC protocol in AVR-Doper.) At the beginning of the development stage, Akira Kitazawa evaluated the performance in detail. To make a patch driver for Windows Vista, Prof. Mitaro Namiki gave me worthful advices. Benjamin Kerschner tested on the Windows 64bit environments. Jan Chocola fixed lowcdc.vbs script. Many people from all over the world helped me to improve this technology.

In Japan, MCUs with on-chip USB controller are now available in modest price. It seems AVR-CDC is almost achieving the goal. I really thank everyone concerning to AVR-CDC.

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