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FullTr-11 Instructions

MOV A, imMove immediate value im to A register
MOV B, imMove immediate value im to B register
MOV C, imMove immediate value im to C register
MOV A, [im]Move the data stored in RAM with address im to A register
MOV B, [im]Move the data stored in RAM with address im to B register
MOV C, [im]Move the data stored in RAM with address im to C register
MOV [im], AWrite the value of A register to RAM with address im
MOV [im], CWrite the value of C register to RAM with address im
ADD A, BA=A+B: Calculate A+B and move it to A register
ADD C, imC=C+im: Calculate C+im and move it to C register
SUBA=A-B: Calculate A-B and move it to A register
JMP imJump to the address im of ROM
JMP [im]Jump to the ROM address of the data stored in RAM with address im
JNC imJump to the address im of ROM if there is no carry in the previous instruction

FullTr-11 is based on the Harvard architecture just like PIC.
The address space of RAM and ROM is separated. All the programs are stored in ROM.
Opcode length is 5-bit. Since the opcode is prepended to the 11-bit operand, the total length of instruction is 16 bit.
ROM is made of 1024 switches. It can hold 64 instructions.
RAM size is 44 bits i.e. 4*11-bit.
Since the address bus size of ROM and RAM is 11-bit, they can be extended up to 2.75 Kbytes in principle.
An assembler software is available to output the machine code from the mnemonics above. The output binary machine code is written in ascii text with 0 and 1. You enter these to the switches.